The “Women Business HUB” project wins a grant of the Provincial Secretariat for Finance

The Provincial Secretariat for Finance supported 77 projects with 100 million dinars, which are financed from the available funds of the European Union...

The Provincial Secretariat for Finance supported 77 projects with 100 million dinars, which are financed from the available funds of the European Union, mostly from the Cross-border cooperation program, and are being realized on the territory of AP Vojvodina.

One of these projects is “Women Business HUB”, which was allocated funds in the amount of 5,531.44 euros at the official middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia, on October 1, 2019, for the purpose of co-financing activities on the territory of AP Vojvodina.

The ceremony was held in the premises of the Government of Vojvodina, on December 5, 2019. The contracts were awarded by the Provincial Secretary of Finance Smiljka Jovanović, who pointed out that projects that contribute to the development of municipalities and cities in Vojvodina were supported.

“This year, we have provided funds for projects that will contribute to local and regional development and improve the quality of life of the population in Vojvodina,” said Smiljka Jovanović, adding that these are projects in the fields of science, health, social services, tourism and sports.

Since 2012, the Provincial Secretariat for Finance has been continuously supporting projects financed from European Union funds. In the past three and a half years, the amount of non-refundable funds for that purpose has increased by almost 70 percent, and the number of concluded contracts has almost tripled.

The project “Women Business HUB” is worth 354,830.00 euros, of which 85% is co-financed by the Interreg IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Croatia – Serbia 2014-2020.